About the Program

The Uttar Pradesh Technical Support Unit (UP TSU) was formed in 2013 to provide techno-managerial support to the Government of Uttar Pradesh (GoUP) pursuant to the Memorandum of Cooperation between the GoUP and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The University of Manitoba (UoM) leads the program and has partnered with IHAT to support the government in strengthening its Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn and Child Health (RMNCH) and Nutrition programs.

Uttar Pradesh in Numbers

The state has made great strides in its maternal and child health indicators. However, when it comes to national rates and goals, Uttar Pradesh, with a population of over 200 million still lags behind.

The Approach

To improve effective health coverage, IHAT aims to enhance availability, quality and utilisation of health services, across the continuum of care, for women and children. It builds on global best practices using program learnings to design innovative and comprehensive solutions to address critical barriers across the 3 main platforms – health facilities, communities and health systems. 


What We Do


We support the government in its efforts to improve maternal, neonatal and child health services in Uttar Pradesh with focus on 28 high priority districts and aspirational districts.
The project supports the government to improve maternal, newborn and child health services by activating and strengthening critical services at facilities, including comprehensive emergency obstetric and newborn care at First Referral Units (FRUs), basic emergency obstetric and newborn care at the lower level facilities and pediatric services aiming to improve identification, management, appropriate referral and treatment of sick children. The project works to improve knowledge, skills and practices of service providers by mentoring of nurses by a nurse mentor and mentoring of specialist doctors in FRUs by medical college faculty. The project also trains and mentors Frontline Workers to mobilise women to seek and receive services, to adopt healthy practices during the antenatal, delivery and post-natal period and identify sick children within the community and to manage or refer them to an appropriate health care facility.


We support the government to enable couples to plan their families by offering a basket of contraceptive choices at health facilities and within communities across the state.
We focus on strengthening facilities for seamless provision of FP services by addressing gaps in infrastructure, equipment, supplies and human resources. It works with counsellors and service providers at the facility, and with the Frontline Workers at the community to educate the couples on the importance of family planning and provide quality contraceptive services as per the couple’s need and choice. It also engages the private sector family planning service providers to augment the capacity of the public health facilities. The program has supported the GoUP in establishing review platforms which has helped rationalise the planning of family focus days to improve reach, improve FP commodity security and improve service provider engagement and performance.


We focus on reducing maternal and child morbidity and mortality by improving Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition (MIYCN) in the 25 High Priority Districts of the state.
We support the government in building capacity of the Frontline Workers to counsel communities about maternal and child nutrition, with a focus on promotion of early initiation of breast feeding and exclusive breast feeding for six months, complementary feeding with a focus on diet diversity, iron and folic acid supplementation for pregnant women. The project also supports the government in effective implementation of Poshan Abhiyaan components in UP.



We support the government by using data to inform health policies and by streamlining processes to strengthen the public health system in the state. 

We support the GoUP in improving the management of human resources for health, streamlining the public health procurement and supply chain processes, developing digital health solutions and strengthening data for decision-making. Few of the key areas where the UP TSU has supported the state in strengthening the health system include: 

  • the roll out of the Manav Sampada Human Resource Management System
  • addressing service provision gaps at first referral units by rationally  deploying service providers through the “Buddy-Buddy” model
  • establishing a nodal and independent Medical Supplies Corporation; 
  • implementing IT solution for streamlining of payments to Frontline Workers (particularly the Accredited Social Health Activist – ASHA)  through an innovative ASHA payments application
  • developing and rolling out a health dashboard for decision making and establishing platforms for periodic data review.

Our Impact

Our Impact



Pregnant women provided support for ANC care in 25 High Priority Districts by supporting GoUP in VHND micro-planning


Women provided improved care during delivery in the 25 High Priority Districts through Nurse Mentoring programs

3.8 Lakh

Pregnant women reached annually by Anganwadi workers for counselling on Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition under direct supervision of TSU staff


Women with children younger than 6 months reached annually by Anganwadi Workers for counselling on Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition under direct supervision of TSU staff


Women with children younger than 2 years reached annually by Anganwadi Workers for counselling on Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition under direct supervision of TSU staff

10 lakh

Eligible couples reached with provision of family planning services annually across the state through counselling and improved availability of services

1.5 Lakh

ASHAs and ASHA Sanginis trained on Family Planning counselling.


Doctors mentored on comprehensive emergency obstetric services since 2017 across 87 First Referral Units


Staff nurses trained and mentored on safe delivery practices since 2014


ANMs trained and mentored on safe delivery practices since 2014


ASHA and Anganwadi Workers provided onsite mentoring for improved health and nutrition outcomes


ICT applications rolled out, including the Manav Sampada – HRMS application, DVDMS – LMIS application, UP HMIS, ASHA Incentive application and state health dashboard


PPP engagements worth over INR 7500 crore done


Preventing vaccine drop-outs: Geographic and system-level barriers to full immunization coverage among children in Uttar Pradesh, India

Global interventions on routine immunization aim to achieve at least 90 percent immunization coverage of all vaccines as per national immunization schedules, aligning with the Immunization Agenda 2030. Some regions like Uttar Pradesh, India, require more efforts to meet this target. This study aims to understand the coverage gaps and design interventions to improve the immunization coverage in priority blocks of Uttar Pradesh.

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Essential newborn care practices in selected public health facilities using observation of 2603 normal deliveries in Uttar Pradesh, India

Essential newborn care (ENBC) practices are recommended for all births to improve neonatal survival. This paper aims to understand the facility-level variations and factors associated with the essential newborn care practices by providers in higher-level public health facilities in 25 high priority districts (HPDs) of Uttar Pradesh.

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Onward and Upward: Documenting the journey of competency building initiatives for RMNCAH+N Counsellors in Uttar Pradesh

The RMNCAH+N strategy in Uttar Pradesh is key to improving maternal and child health outcomes. With unique challenges such as high rates of early marriage and low contraceptive use, an integrated approach to family planning is essential. UP TSU supported the Government of Uttar Pradesh by developing a competency-building framework to strengthen knowledge and skills of RMNCAH+N counsellors. This brief highlights the journey of these competency-building initiatives to address critical health challenges in the state.

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1 Sample Registration System – Special Bulletin on Maternal Mortality in India 2015-17

2 Sample Registration System – Special Bulletin on Maternal Mortality in India 2018-20

3 Calculated using estimated live births and maternal mortality ratio from Sample Registration System 2020

4 Sample Registration System – Statistical Report 2011

5 Sample Registration System – Statistical Report 2020

6 Calculated using estimated live births and NMR from Sample Registration System 2020

7 Sample Registration System Statistical Report 2011

8 Sample Registration System Statistical Report 2020

9 Calculated using estimated live births and U5MR from Sample Registration System Statistical Report 2020