PAHAL Issue ten captures some of the key interventions of the Government of Uttar Pradesh (GoUP) supported by UP TSU. This includes, capacity building of stakeholders to treat pediatric population as a preparation to Covid-19 pandemic. It has also covered short studies related to reasons for homebirth in Balrampur, tracking GoUP’s family planning program and understanding exposure to SARS-CoV-2 infection in Uttar Pradesh.
Read MoreThe Nurse Mentoring program was launched in 2014 beginning with 150 blocks of 25 HPDs in Uttar Pradesh. From 2019, it has been scaled up in all 820 blocks of 75 districts of Uttar Pradesh. The program aims to improve knowledge, skills and practices of the staff nurses around mother and newborn care, intra-partum and post-partum care and management of maternal and new born complications, through its dedicated workforce/change agents called Nurse Mentors.
Read MoreFirst Referral Units (FRUs) are required to be equipped with a specialized workforce that can manage all the major medical causes of maternal and neonatal deaths. The Buddy Buddy Model is an innovative policy initiative for activation of FRUs. It incorporates policy enablers for posting and leveraging available MBBS government medical officers trained either in Emergency Obstetrics or in Life Saving Anesthesia Skills, as a pair with complementary skills that are required to conduct C-section deliveries at inactive FRUs.
Read MoreInadequate quality of care in healthcare facilities is one of the primary causes of patient mortality in low- and middle-income countries and understanding the behaviour of healthcare providers is key to addressing it. This paper identifies contextual and internal behavioural drivers in staff nurses working in reproductive, maternal, newborn, and child health in government public health facilities in Uttar Pradesh, India.
Read MoreThe ninth issue of PAHAL provides glimpse of major activities carried out in the first quarter of 2021. Some of these activities include rolling out integrated counselling for RMNCHA and AFHC counsellors, activation of blood storage units, accreditation of new medical colleges for LSAS and EmOC courses, and social mapping of ASHA and Anganwadi workers’ area-alignment for enhanced community service delivery, among others.
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