Adolescent motherhood has serious implications on young women and their children’s health. This brief examines the key determinants of adolescent motherhood in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar to guide the sexual and reproductive health programming for youth. Increasing awareness on sexual and reproductive health, developing life skills, and creating positive gender norms can help strengthening sexual […]
Read MoreThe Government of Uttar Pradesh, with support from the UP TSU, rolled out an IT-enabled real-time ASHA Incentive application to bring transparency and efficacy to the incentive system in Uttar Pradesh. This brief talks about the incentive system and how the digitalization of the process has helped in tracking and monitoring ASHA incentive payment and performance.
Read MoreThe Government of Uttar Pradesh is developing a Human Resources for Health strategy, which includes policies to address rural distribution & retention of government doctors in Uttar Pradesh. This paper throws light on the stakeholder analysis and results pertaining to rural distribution and retention of doctors in the government sector in the state.
Read MorePAHAL Issue 13 highlights the efforts of Government of Uttar Pradesh in conducting Skilled Birth Attendants (SBA) trainings, with support from UP TSU. This edition also includes the integration of PPIUCD training with SBA training for staff nurses and ANMs along with many more updates of
The use of traditional methods of family planning has increased in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar over time. Although the family planning programs strive to improve modern contraceptive use, Traditional still contribute significantly to the overall contraceptive use. This brief highlights the reasons for this increase, whether it is by choice or due to inadequate family planning services, and ways to improve efficient traditional and modern methods use.
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