Scale up of Skilled Birth Attendant Training in Uttar Pradesh: A Cluster- based Model Approach

The Government of Uttar Pradesh (GoUP) is committed to ensure universal coverage of all births with skilled attendance with the aim to reduce the number of maternal and newborn deaths in the state. UPTSU supported GoUP in this endeavour. This brief highlights the cluster model approach adopted by UPTSU in scaling up the SBA training in the state.

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PAHAL Issue 20

The 20th edition of the PAHAL is a 5-year milestone edition and is a testament to our team’s dedication and hard work as we continue to support GoUP towards making strides in public health at the facility, system, and community levels. This edition showcases some of the key initiatives that have been driving positive change in our organization and the communities we serve.

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PAHAL Issue 19

The 19th edition of the PAHAL newsletter provides updates on UP-TSU’s efforts in strengthening the SBA recruitment process through digitalisation, digitally enabling FLWs with eKavach implementation improving the health data quality across all 18 divisions of the state, and other key activities.

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Systematic Scale-up of Sustainable Training Systems in Uttar Pradesh

This poster highlights the Skilled Birth Attendant Trainings that have be scaled up by the Government of Uttar Pradesh, with support from Uttar Pradesh Technical Support Unit.

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