PAHAL Issue 8

The eighth issue of PAHAL throws light on UP TSU’s support in 2020 to the Government of Uttar Pradesh in managing COVID-19 and continuing healthcare services in the state. In the relentless bid to intensify COVID-19 response in the state, UP TSU has supported the government at each step to overcome multiple challenges including restoring delivery of maternal, newborn and child healthcare services.

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PAHAL Quarterly Video Magazine UP TSU

The video magazine provides a glimpse of UP TSU’s initiatives undertaken during the year 2019 in collaboration with the Government of Uttar Pradesh and with support from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

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PAHAL: Issue 3

The third edition of PAHAL provides an insight into knowledge and skills of Home-Based Newborn Care among ASHAs, the effective and efficient payment system for strengthening the delivery of healthcare services by ASHAs, a story on Model Anganwadi Centers and many such interesting initiatives undertaken by UP TSU.

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PAHAL: Issue 1

PAHAL – UP TSU’s quarterly newsletter has been introduced to provide regular insights of IHAT’s work in Uttar Pradesh through an eclectic mix of news, features, community stories, innovations, interviews and more. The first edition brings to you the initiatives undertaken in the RMNCH+A and Nutrition domains, working alongside government officials with shared goals and […]

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