Comprehensive Digital Health Application for Uttar Pradesh is a digital job-aid tool for FLWs, district and block health officials for collecting the data at source. It is a mobile and web-based application that is built on a low-code platform based on key national and relevant international standards. The platform helps in collecting comprehensive unitized data at source for improved service delivery.
Read MoreThe Government of Uttar Pradesh has rolled out a comprehensive digital health application called e-Kavach with the support of UP TSU. The app allows for longitudinal tracking of patient information – family planning, ANC, PNC, child health, & non-communicable diseases. It is intended for FLWs and facility-based users, with data available to all health officials for monitoring, identifying gaps, and developing implementation strategies. The report talks in-depth about the roll-out, challenges, and learnings from the pilot implemented in Uttar Pradesh.
Read MoreThe Government of Uttar Pradesh, with support from the UP TSU, rolled out an IT-enabled real-time ASHA Incentive application to bring transparency and efficacy to the incentive system in Uttar Pradesh. This brief talks about the incentive system and how the digitalization of the process has helped in tracking and monitoring ASHA incentive payment and performance.
Read MoreThe 11th issue of PAHAL highlights the efforts of the Government of Uttar Pradesh (GoUP), with support from UP TSU, in converting challenges into health benefits. This includes adopting a strengthened methodology for public health denominators for better resource allocation, planning and monitoring. The issue also throws light on the GoUP Nurse Mentors’ training at the newly developed skills labs and some key digital health and family planning interventions.
Read MoreThe Uttar Pradesh COVID-19 Unified Data Platform was developed and implemented as the state’s digital response to the pandemic. This comprehensive platform brought together all the public and private stakeholders engaged in the state’s COVID-19 health response, thus ensuring that the State has a single point of truth with respect to the pandemic management.
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