Strengthening the capacity of service providers to deliver quality family planning services

IHAT supports the government in building capacity of the service provides to provide quality family planning services to the community. Through this Hindi dubbed version of the WHO film adapted film “Why Did Mrs X Die, Retold”, the service providers are sensitized to medical as well as social factors that play a key role in affecting the health of women during pregnancy and child birth.

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PAHAL Issue 7

The 7th issue of PAHAL chronicles the concerted efforts of the GoUP and UP TSU to restore access and delivery of RMNCH+A & nutrition services in Uttar Pradesh, while managing the COVID crisis. It highlights UP TSU’s efforts to convert to online ecosystem – real-time UPHMIS data updation by ANMs, the LaQshya Resource Package to ensure NQA standards, among other strategy innovations.

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Leveraging cluster meetings for capacity building of ASHAs

Cluster modules are short interactive case studies which are administered during the cluster meetings at grassroots to deliver focussed information on family planning. They have contributed immensely in building capacities of Block Community Process Managers, ASHA Sanginis and RMNCH+A counsellors across Uttar Pradesh, in disseminating Family Planning messages effectively in community.

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Program interventions to address the COVID-19 crisis

The COVID-19 pandemic forced digression within public health interventions across the globe. As the world learns to cope with the new normal, it is important to ensure that vulnerable populations continue to access life saving health services. This report documents the COVID-19 interventions by IHAT in India and PHDA in Kenya, both in partnership with IGPH, University of Manitoba.

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PAHAL: Issue 3

The third edition of PAHAL provides an insight into knowledge and skills of Home-Based Newborn Care among ASHAs, the effective and efficient payment system for strengthening the delivery of healthcare services by ASHAs, a story on Model Anganwadi Centers and many such interesting initiatives undertaken by UP TSU.

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