PAHAL Issue 13

PAHAL Issue 13 highlights the efforts of Government of Uttar Pradesh in conducting Skilled Birth Attendants (SBA) trainings, with support from UP TSU. This edition also includes the integration of PPIUCD training with SBA training for staff nurses and ANMs along with many more updates of

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PAHAL Issue 12

PAHAL Issue 12 highlights the achievements of different support programs of UP TSU in the year 2021, including, Family Planning, Community & Outreach, Nutrition, Facility, and Health Systems. The latest NFHS results showed significant improvement made by Uttar Pradesh across various health indicators.

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Nurse Mentors: Bridging the Gaps for a Transformative Healthcare System

The Nurse Mentoring program aims to improve the knowledge, skills and practices of the staff nurses around mother and newborn care, intra-partum and post-partum care and management of maternal and newborn complications, through its dedicated workforce/change agents called Nurse Mentors. This brief highlights the transformative role of Nurse Mentors in the health care system in Uttar Pradesh.

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Training the Nurses on Mentoring Methodology

Nurse Mentoring Methodology orients the nurse mentors on principles of mentoring, adult learning practices, rapport building, their roles and responsibilities, documentation, record keeping and other quality improvement initiatives.

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Cluster Meeting Capacity Building Intervention to achieve RMNCHN outcomes in Uttar Pradesh

Cluster Meeting Capacity Building Intervention has been designed to build competencies of ASHAs through ASHA Sanginis, who provide mentoring on a day-to-day basis. A customised cluster module was developed to train the ASHA Sanginis as facilitators to enhance knowledge and skills of ASHAs to achieve improved reproductive, maternal, child health and nutrition (RMNCHN) outcomes.

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