By 2030, India aims to reach a Maternal Mortality Ratio of 70.
By 2030, end preventable deaths of newborns and children under 5 years of age, aiming to
reduce neonatal mortality to at least as low as 12 per 1,000 live births and under-5 mortality to at
least as low as 25 per 1,000 live births.


IHAT and The University of Manitoba are working in close collaboration with the Government of Uttar Pradesh to improve availability, quality and utilisation across the community, facility and systemic level for maternal, newborn and child health outcomes.


IHAT works with the government to enhance the coverage and quality of antenatal care, birth planning, home-based maternal, newborn, child health services and immunisation.

We build the capacity of Frontline Workers to mobilise communities to seek and receive essential maternal and child health services by supporting the government in their training and mentoring.

We develop job aids and tools to support the Frontline Workers to easily communicate and educate the women in the community


IHAT works towards improving the quality of Emergency Obstetric & Newborn care (Comprehensive and Basic) and paediatric services by strengthening knowledge, skills and practice of service providers.

The Nurse Mentors model provides on-site mentoring to the staff nurses to build their capacity on critical maternal and child health practices while the Regional Resource Training Center Training ropes in faculty from the medical colleges to mentor specialist doctors at first referral units to activate/strengthen Comprehensive Emergency Obstetric & Newborn services.


IHAT supports the government in conducting situational analysis to assess the availability of equipment, supplies and trained human resources for Emergency Obstetric & Newborn care (Comprehensive and Basic) and paediatric services.

It works with the government to develop micro-plans to address these gaps and facilitates the process where necessary.


Preventing vaccine drop-outs: Geographic and system-level barriers to full immunization coverage among children in Uttar Pradesh, India

Global interventions on routine immunization aim to achieve at least 90 percent immunization coverage of all vaccines as per national immunization schedules, aligning with the Immunization Agenda 2030. Some regions like Uttar Pradesh, India, require more efforts to meet this target. This study aims to understand the coverage gaps and design interventions to improve the immunization coverage in priority blocks of Uttar Pradesh.

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Essential newborn care practices in selected public health facilities using observation of 2603 normal deliveries in Uttar Pradesh, India

Essential newborn care (ENBC) practices are recommended for all births to improve neonatal survival. This paper aims to understand the facility-level variations and factors associated with the essential newborn care practices by providers in higher-level public health facilities in 25 high priority districts (HPDs) of Uttar Pradesh.

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Onward and Upward: Documenting the journey of competency building initiatives for RMNCAH+N Counsellors in Uttar Pradesh

The RMNCAH+N strategy in Uttar Pradesh is key to improving maternal and child health outcomes. With unique challenges such as high rates of early marriage and low contraceptive use, an integrated approach to family planning is essential. UP TSU supported the Government of Uttar Pradesh by developing a competency-building framework to strengthen knowledge and skills of RMNCAH+N counsellors. This brief highlights the journey of these competency-building initiatives to address critical health challenges in the state.

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